How to Compare Sports Massage to Other Therapeutic Massages

How to Compare Sports Massage to Other Therapeutic Massages

Most people are familiar with some form of massage, whether it be the ubiquitous Swedish form or the more exotic varieties of Thalassotherapy (using sea-derived treatments) or Shiatsu (incorporating acupressure). There are more than a dozen varieties of massage but perhaps the most common are therapeutic and
. While all massage affects overall well-being, there are distinctions in the purpose of each. Here’s how to spot the difference.

Things You'll Need:

An open mind

Select the Right Massage Therapy


Understand that therapeutic massage is based on traditional Swedish massage techniques, consisting of petrassage, effleurage, and kneading strokes.


Understand that sports massage therapies can be both preventative and therapeutic.


Know what ails you. Choosing the correct form of massage depends on knowing your symptoms.


Choose therapeutic massage for help with improving lymphatic function, relieving stress and fatigue, sleep problems, and for general well-being.


Choose sports massage if you’re active and wish to prevent or alleviate problems such as knee pain, shin splints, tennis elbow or other sports-related maladies.

Tips & Warnings

Some forms of massage can bring feelings of discomfort. This is natural. However, extreme discomfort should be brought to your therapist’s attention.

Share specific concerns such as low back pain so the therapist can take proper precautions.

Ensure there is no deeper medical issue before obtaining a massage. Certain medical conditions such as an aneurysm could be worsened, and even fatal, if any massage is performed.

How to Compare Breast Enhancers

How to Compare Breast Enhancers

Many women aren't happy with the size of their breasts. They want bigger ones. Here are some of the ways to enhance your breast size. Compare them decide which, if any, is the best for you.

Things You'll Need:

Ability to research online

A helpful doctor

An open mind!


Decide how big you want your breasts to be. Whe you know that, you can research the best enhancement procedure for you. It could be you can just go shopping.


Lifting your breasts and giving them more cup size doesn't require surgery. There are many companies that sell breast-enhancing pads for your bra. Some of these are made of a self-adhesive gel like material that sticks to your breasts. You can wear a bra over the top of the gel. You can purchase simple gel adhesives for as low as $20.00, or find higher quality stick-ons or even cloth inserts for more money.


Enhancing your breasts does may not have to be a surgical process. The Herbal Research Foundation clearly states that there is a lack of scientific studies about herbal enhancement, you may be able to enlarge your breast size by trying herbs. Go to your doctor and ask him about which herbs might work and what to avoid. The herbal treatments may promote the growth of your breast tissue making them larger.


Research breast enhancement pills or creams on your own and then show the results to your physician to get his opinion. Much like the Herbal Research Foundation has said, there have been few studies done to prove the pills work. Most claim that the pills do change your hormones, but they cannot be certain your breast size will change. See a study done at the Department of Health Care Sciences at George Washington University School of Medicine in 2003 (See resources section below). The pills and creams may enhance your breast size or may not.


A surgical procedure should always be your last choice. For most women, this is the option that works best. The enhancement pills and creams could take a lifetime to show any results, if they work at all. Remember that surgery can be risky. Make sure you know all of the possible dangers that accompany it before making your decision. Also be aware that there are now different kinds of implants, some safer than others. Research them all and consult your cosmetic surgeon.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid surgery if you can, remember that there is a lot a little gel pad in your bra can do for you!

Always consult your doctor before using any medications, creams or herbs.

How to Communicate With Your Spirit Guide

How to Communicate With Your Spirit Guide

We all have spirit guides--nonphysical souls who support our growth, help us to complete our life tasks and provide the spiritual assistance we need. A spirit guide, however, will only come forth if invited. Although most of us have a main guide, others come and go depending upon our life purpose and our current circumstances. The reality of spirit entities guiding us through our lives has been a part of every major religion in the world. Embarking on a journey of communication with your spirit guides is an exciting prospect. All that is needed is an open mind and willingness to let go of any preconceived notions of what the experience will be like. As with all individuals, each and every spirit being is unique. An understanding that each and every person's communication with their guide will be unique is key to your successful contact and your developing spirit relationship.

Things You'll Need:

A quiet and comfortable space

A journal

A willingness to contact your spirit guide

Willingness to set aside time for spirit contact

An open-mind

Patience to build relationship with your guide

Communicating With Your Spirit Guide


Invite your spirit guide to come forward.


Continue to send out the thought that you are inviting your spirit guide into your life.


Close your eyes and relax by taking deep breaths.


Imagine yourself in a beautiful garden.


Make this garden as detailed and real in your mind's eye as possible.


Notice the colors, fragrances, sounds and sensations you experience in your garden.


Picture yourself sitting on a stone bench in this garden.


Let the stone bench beneath you makes you feel secure and connected to the earth.


See a path leading down from a distant mountain to your garden.


Visualize this path being made of any stones or colors you like.


While sitting on your stone chair, notice a small golden light coming toward you.


Notice the light transform into a large clear and bright light as it hovers on the edge of your garden.


Invite it to enter your garden.


Watch the light transform into your spirit guide.


Take time to look at your guide and believe that this is your guide! Don't question youself.


Pay attention to the sensations you feel as you gaze upon your guide. Ask yourself questions. For example--Is your guide male or female? What is your guide wearing? What color is the hair of your guide? Trust your impressions.


Begin to ask your guide questions. Some examples--What is it's name? What is it's purpose? Why is it around you? How can you recognize it's presence on a conscious level more easily?


Let yourself absorb the information the guide is giving you. Don't force answers. Don't worry if you think you are imagining the contact. Remember to trust your impressions and KNOW that you are communicating with your guide.


Bring the conversation with your guide to a close.


Thank your guide for coming to you.


Watch as your guide transforms back into a beautiful and soothing light. Watch this light drift away from you down your garden path.


Ground yourself by imagining roots growing from the bottom of your feet deep into the earth's core.


Write down your impressions and experiences in a journal.

Tips & Warnings

You can ask your guide for help in all matters.

Ask your guide to present dreams to you to help you find answers to your problems.

Ask your guide to give you signs that it's heard your requests.

Remember to keep your requests reasonable. The purpose of your guide is to help you fulfill your life's purpose, not to help you win a million dollars.

Although nothing in the spirit world can harm you, there is a certain responsibility in working with it.

Never become reliant on your spirit guide communication. It is not a substitute for relationships with others.

Remember that communication with the spirit realm is to be used to supplement your life, not as a crutch to fall back on.

How to Colon Cleanse - 5 Expert Tips

How to Colon Cleanse - 5 Expert Tips

If you're considering colon cleansing for the first time, the choices can seem overwhelming. Herbal cleanses, oxygen cleanses, fiber programs, specialized diets, fasting and more are all on the colon cleansing market. No matter what kind of cleanse you end up doing, you can improve your results with the advice in these 5 tips.

Things You'll Need:

No Special Equipment Required


Before you cleanse, first find out how much you really need a colon cleanse. There are several factors including diet, age and overall health that determine how much you need and will benefit from a cleanse. E-mail me for a free health questionnaire that will tell you where you stand.


Once you know how much you need a cleanse, you can then choose the appropriate level. All types of colon cleansing can be done slowly and gently or more quickly and intensely. It's important to know which level is best for you now in order to avoid overburdening your body with toxins as the body cleanses itself.


Prepare well for any type of colon cleanse by changing your diet. No matter which kind of colon cleansing you choose, you can get better results by taking 3-5 days to prepare. During this time, it's best to cut out all processed foods and eat at least 50% of your diet in fresh fruits and vegetables. It's also helpful to cut out most if not all dairy products, meats and breads as they are mucous forming.


During your cleanse be patient and stay with it. Don't expect to undo years of poor eating habits, stress or lack of exercise with a one time cleanse. You may need to cleanse several times before you achieve all your health goals.


Be prepared for changes. After your colon cleanse, don't expect to want to eat the same things as you did before. Pay attention to how your body feels after you eat and allow your diet to change to foods that make you feel better.

Tips & Warnings

If you have any doubts about colon cleansing, remember these words of Dr. Norman Walker, the inventor of vegetable juicing: "To have a clean colon is the best health insurance we can have." Dr. Walker seemed to know what he was talking about - he had a healthy and productive life of over 100 years.

How to Clear Your Lungs

How to Clear Your Lungs

Feel like you need a breath of fresh air? Read on to learn how to clear your lungs.

Things You'll Need:


Space with clean air


The most important step in clearing your lungs is to make sure you are in an area with clean air. This means no smoke, no dust, nothing else likely to cause the new air you receive to be tainted.


Slowly take a deep breath through your nose to fill your lungs, and feel them filling and stretching out.


Slowly exhale through your mouth until you feel you have no more breath to exhale.


Immediately bend at the waist and roll the top half of your body forward to compress the lungs a bit. This will allow you to continue exhaling for another few seconds.


Straighten up and inhale slowly, filling up your lungs with fresh, clean air.


Exhale slowly, and then continue breathing normally.

Tips & Warnings

Look around before inhaling; clean surroundings are essential.

Do not attempt this if you have a cold, the hiccups, or anything else that might interrupt your breathing.

How to Live Better with Hashimotos Thyroiditis

How to Live Better with Hashimotos Thyroiditis

Hashimotos Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own thyroid gland. This guide is intended to help you take the first steps towards reclaiming your health. I have this disease myself and have found many helps throughout my journey. I am now sharing these with you.

Things You'll Need:


Positive attitude


Eliminate stimulants and chemicals from your diet.

Thyroiditis can be positively influenced by a healthy diet. Consider what you are currently eating. Keep a journal for a week and spot the culprits that might be there. Some of the more obvious ones are caffeine, sugar and preservatives. I react strongly to all three of these. It took me many years to realize what a significant burden those "foods" were to my health. The first two abuse the adrenal glands and cause all types of imbalance. Preservatives can cause further stress to the brain (especially Aspartame!). Greatly reduce or eliminate your intake of these substances. This is what I found to be the best "first step" in helping the symptoms of this disease.


Choose the treatment options that are best for you.

Please fully research all your options before you start any long term thyroid treatment! Consider first and foremost what your regular diet should be. Then, begin to choose the right treatment for your body. There are combinations of herbal supplements, synthetic drugs (I would strongly recommend against this choice unless you just can't get to other solutions), and natural desiccated thyroid preparations like Nature-Throid and Armour. There are other natural paths including detoxification methods. This is such an important step. I can't stress enough how bad I felt that I had missed this step 14 years ago! I just did what the doctor told me. To know more about this critical step, please see my website home page which is listed below this article.


Watch out for Over-the-counter medications.

Find and take the right medications and don't take the wrong ones! This is important. Just like food, ALL medications have side effects. It is very important to know what the side effects are and if they might be influencing your symptoms. For example, I used to suffer from excruciating migraine headaches. My HMO doctor (who was not interested in natural causes or treatments) suggested I take an over-the-counter medication. He said it was likely sinus related. This led me to Advil Cold and Sinus. Well, was I aware that my headaches got better because there is caffeine in them? Case and point: I found out that caffeine works to relieve caffeine headaches! Why? Because our body begins to depend on the "fix" each day when we have caffeine on a regular basis. After a few days off of caffeine, a very serious withdrawal symptom can result in the form of a headache (in addition to other symptoms that are known as "die off" symptoms). Many times it can be relieved by eating or drinking caffeine. I believe that's why I have spurts of being addicted to chocolate. The only "cure" for this cycle is to get off of these roller coasters; whether from drugs or caffeine in food. I can't go into all the chemical reactions your body can have over different drugs here, but it is important for you to be aware of each and every drug you are putting into your body. This goes a long way toward healing. Find the root problem and then work to overcome it without drugs - therefore bypassing their side effects.


Exercise does more than we think.

Yes, it is important but I believe the importance comes in many forms. It is a great stress reliever! Something about exercise just cleans out the negative thoughts in the brain. It has been so exciting to see the difference after I exercise. It just feels like someone just took a weight off of me. Oh, of course I must bring up the "weight" thing. Here's one big problem with this disease. Our metabolism is seriously compromised when there is a sluggish thyroid. If you combine exercise with the right diet and right treatment, well, you've got a chance. But that combination is still not fully researched. What we do know is that a whole body approach has the most benefit. So find a fun exercise. Please don't make yourself do something you hate to do. Choose a variety to alternate during the week to combat repetition injuries and to keep you from becoming bored.


Finally, take control of your health.

Educate yourself about Hashimotos Thyroiditis. It is an autoimmune disease. It has cycles. It fluctuates depending on things like life crisis, stress, seasons (especially the cold seasons when your body temperature naturally goes down), diet, attitude, etc. What I find the most confusing about this disease is the large amount of triggers it has. Consider a yearly calendar specifically noting times during the year that your symptoms flare up. This might go a long way in trouble-shooting triggers that you may be able to avoid in the future. A forum dedicated to thyroid disease is an excellent place to get support. Consider joining one, or better yet, visit my website forum linked below so we can walk through this disease together.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure your doctor is open to other types of treatments for this disease. Sometimes it takes several attempts to find the right treatment for your body.

Consider finding a natural doctor who can give you more options if you are not feeling well under the care of a traditional one.

None of the information on this how-to article is intended to take the place of being under the care of a qualified medical doctor. Please make sure you find a caring doctor to treat you for all your health concerns.

How to Live a Macrobiotic Lifestyle

How to Live a Macrobiotic Lifestyle

Based on living in reference to the polar principles, those living a macrobiotic lifestyle hope to reach harmony, balance and happiness. A variety of aspects go into the lifestyle including social relationships, preparation of foods and physical activity. Boasting claims of curing illnesses and diseases, it is a lifestyle that with a little adaptation is easy to follow.


Maintain a proper diet. Pay attention to your hunger levels. Don't eat if you're not hungry. Chew each bite properly. It has been determined that chewing your food 50 times for each bite increases effectiveness of digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Relax when you eat, but maintain good posture. Before you eat, be thankful for your food. Regular meals two to three times a day are appropriate, as long as the proportions are right. Do not leave the table full; it is best to be comfortably satisfied. Drink water, but not excessively. Drink when thirsty.


Keep your skin healthy. Shower and bathe, but do not partake in long showers or baths which can cause mineral dificiencyes in your body. Scrubbing the body in its entirety with a warm, wet to damp rag will increase circulation. Do this each morning and night. When using cosmetics, select those made from non-toxic and natural ingredients. Do not use products that are perfumed with unnatural chemicals. Brush your teeth with natural products.


Keep close to nature. Spending time outdoors and in the sunlight will help. Take a walk outside. Exercise outside. Good exercises include garden work, yoga,
martial arts
, walking or dance. Do not wear rings, bracelets, necklaces or earrings made of metals. Wear cotton clothing, especially up next to the skin. Bring plants indoors to keep in better touch with the outdoors. Open your windows regularly to exchange the stale indoor air with the outdoor air.


Do not use ovens and ranges or other electric cooking appliances. Wood or gas stoves are better. Don't use aluminum pots and pans. Instead, use cast iron, stainless steel or earthenware. Protect yourself from electromagnetic rays when working on your computer. Use television and computers sparingly.

How to Learn to Love Yourself

How to Learn to Love Yourself

Some days, it's impossible to look in the mirror and see anything that you like. It is so easy to start criticizing yourself. This negative thinking can affect your entire life. Start loving who you are with these steps.


Go to a mirror and take a look at yourself. Find one thing that you like about yourself. It doesn't matter what it is. Good skin, nice smile, great hair. It can even be something as tiny as great shaped eyebrows. Just find something that you can be positive about.


Hold on to that one positive thing. The next time you think a negative thought about yourself, stop and remind yourself that you do have something about yourself that is great.


Find something else about yourself that you like. It doesn't matter what it is, it just has to be something positive. Again, use these positive things to cancel out the negative. It doesn't have to be something positive physically either. Doing something good at work, a favor for a friend, handling a difficult situation well all counts as something positive.


Treat yourself when you come up with something positive about yourself. Take time to pamper yourself or pick up a special treat just for yourself. Create a positive attitude in yourself.


Continue to reinforce this positive thinking. Negative thoughts are as much of a habit as positive ones. So your creating a new way of thinking about yourself. Continue and repeat the steps of find something positive about yourself and reinforcing them when negative thoughts creep in.

Tips & Warnings

Try writing down all your positive things down. This will be a way of remind yourself of the positive on a bad day when you simply can remember the positive.

How to Learn Emotional Freedom Therapy

How to Learn Emotional Freedom Therapy

Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) is an alternative method of healing the body by way of tapping upon pressure points while stating positive affirmations of self-acceptance. Practitioners of EFT claim that by releasing negative emotions, and relying upon the body's natural energy fields, the body can heal itself of physical conditions such as migraines, diabetes, post traumatic stress disorder, obesity and many other conditions.


Familiarize yourself with the proper pressure points, often known as energy meridians. They're located at exact points on the top of the head, around the eyes, under the nose and lower lip, near the collarbone, under the armpits and inside the wrists.


Understand the tapping technique. Tapping must be performed with two or more fingertips in a firm yet painless manner. Some EFT practitioners use only the index and middle fingers, while others claim using all four fingertips may be more effective. Choose one method and perfect it.


Use two-part affirmation statements. The first part acknowledges the problem or illness needing correction while the second part professes self-acceptance and/or self-love. Although it's acceptable to use variations of the preferred statement, it's best to keep it simple and focused. It's good to say the affirmation enthusiastically and out loud, rather than silently


Combine the tapping technique with the affirmation statement and tune-in, simultaneously, to the problem and words of self-acceptance. Tap on each of the pressure points while repeating the affirmation. This should take no more than five minutes per session.


Repeat the sequence about five times each day while, preferably, using a mirror to make eye contact with yourself. When in public, to avoid embarrassment, touch and hold the pressure point for five seconds while silently affirming self-acceptance.

Tips & Warnings

Drink plenty of water. Water is a conductor to energy inside the body as well as outside. When hydrated, energy flows more freely.

One of the most important steps of this technique is to tune-in, or focus, on the problem. It can be difficult but must be done.

Try this on everything that causes pain, fear or discomfort whether the source is physical, mental or emotional.

Initially, it's best to focus on issues that are at least three years old to avoid problems arising from thinking too much about fresh emotional wounds.

How to Know Which Natural Remedies are Right for You

How to Know Which Natural Remedies are Right for You

So, you have an ailment or chronic illness. Chances are, you want to find as much information as possible that will help you understand what you have and find the best treatment possible. I know--I'm the same way.

I personally like to find any alternative treatment options that I can--especially those that involve herbs. Over the years, I've developed a process that helps me find the information I need quickly.

Here's my advice on how to find reliable information on herbal remedies. But how do you know if they really work? Some herbs are gentle enough so that you can try them yourself without worrying about there being harmful side effects. For the others, you may want to look online and see what you can find.

Although not every herb has been tested in the scientific community, all of them have centuries of anecdotal evidence as to their effectiveness. So when you look for herbal information this is a good thing to keep in mind.

Things You'll Need:

Internet connection

Access to a library or book store

Reliable medical journals and magazines


One place that I really love to find information is on the internet. But, there are some sites that have good information, and others that don't. Check the resources section at the end of this article for my favorite websites.


If you want to learn about herbs, there are several writers that you need to keep on your shelf. My favorite authors include Susun Weed,
Gladstar, James Duke, Michael Castelman and James Green.


Another option is that you could always take a course on herbal medicine to increase your knowledge. You can get a certificate or degree (check out Clayton College and the Australasian College of Health Sciences) or take courses from herbalists such as Rosemary Gladstar and Susun Weed.


There are several magazines that have good herbal information such as Herbs for Health and Herb Quarterly. You can also check out medical journals. Your library may have access to different studies.


One of my favorite scientific based resources is the German Commission E. This is THE definitive manual that German doctors and pharmacists use to determine which herbs are effective for which complaints. It has been translated into English and a lot of herbalists and naturopaths use it to help them find effective remedies. You can purchase your own copy and keep it on your bookshelf.

Tips & Warnings

Keep track of everything you are learning on your computer or in a notebook.

Pay attention to the positive and negative aspects of each herb.

Make sure you understand all the ins and outs of the herb before you make the decision to take it.

Some herbs, such as poke root and digitalis, are extremely potent and can cause severe illness or even death. To be safe, treat all herbs with care and heed any warnings you find in the literature.

Not all warnings are as dramatic as those attached to poke root and digitalis. However, you should take them ALL seriously.

How to Pick a Gold Chain

How to Pick a Gold Chain

Pure gold at a softness of 24k weight is a precious metal that is alloyed with other metals to make it hard enough to hold its shape in forming


. Gold bonds readily with other metals to form alloys that produce different colors, such as rose, bronze, green and white gold. A gold chain may be 22k, 18k, 14k or 10k.

Wear Different Styles of Chains


Pick a 14K gold anchor chain in large millimeter sizes for men and small mm for ladies. The boldness is determined by the length of the chain and diameter of the anchor links. This tough design is made of continuous, interconnected boxes that are six-sided and three-dimensional.


Wear a herringbone chain to complement any outfit where a flat chain is required. This stand-alone chain is worn without pendants. It is usually available in lengths up to 30 inches.


Choose a box chain to display your larger or heavier pendants. This tough design is made of continuous, interconnected boxes that are six-sided and three-dimensional.


Find a gold rope chain to be a strong, yet simple piece of jewelry for every occasion. The braided fibers reflect the
of the gold.


Expect a lot of attention when you wear a snake chain. Although the snake design has a delicate appearance, it is strong and durable enough to hold lockets and pendants.

Pick Different Colors of Gold


Choose a gold chain with an antique look in warm, rose gold. A mixture of 25-percent copper and 18k gold creates a durable piece of jewelry.


Take your pick of gold chain creations, in a combination of 14k gold and copper, to have rose gold. The amount of copper used will determine the depth of rose color in the finished product.


Enjoy the unique design of a blue gold chain. Blue gold is made when indium is mixed with gold alloyed with aluminum.


Let black gold be your pick in high-fashion chains. Black gold can be created by a variety of methods, including the use of black rhodium, ruthenium or amorphous carbon.


Pick a green gold chain, which is an alloy of 25-percent silver and 75-percent gold. The appearance is yellow, with a green tint that gives it the identity of green gold.

Tips & Warnings

Choose a lower content if you prefer sturdiness over looks. The higher gold content, such as 18k gold, has a richer look than 14k gold, but 14k gold is sturdier.

Look at the type of closure on the chain. A solid gold chain is an investment that requires a secure heavy fastener.

Avoid being duped with less gold than you want. Watch for the designation for colored gold to determine whether the substance is intermetallic (mixture of compounds) or patination of gold (surface coating only).

How to Pick a Garnet Birthstone

How to Pick a Garnet Birthstone

Birthstones have often been associated with powers of protection or healing, possibly due to their striking and sometimes imposing presence. The garnet is called the gem of travelers, promising a safe journey and return. You may want to purchase a garnet when planning a momentous trip, or as a gift for someone born in January, the designated month of this birthstone. Many simply pick garnets for their translucent red shine.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Disclosure from FTC

Documentation of authenticity

Discover the Important Factors in Buying Garnets


Listen to your first impression. Try to view garnets with color and cut in mind, but if character is what grabs you, go ahead and put that particular birthstone on your list.


View garnets for color in a variety of light settings, for this is how you will see your jewelry when it is worn.


Compare garnets for clarity. Your standard should be an even, translucent brilliance with as little fading or intrusion of brown or gray streaks as possible.


View garnets singly for cut. Proper cut will ensure reflection and refraction of all the light that passes through the gems, resulting in brilliance. You should not be able to see through a cut birthstone.

Determine Where to Buy High-Quality Garnets


Visit a rock, mineral and gem show when one comes to your area. These trade conventions are frequented by both professionals and enthusiasts, and give you a chance to see the pure qualities of unset gems.


Locate a reputable dealer through a guild. Pick from a list of referrals from a national or international organization of gem and birthstone dealers, such as the American Gem Trade Association (see Resources below).


Locate a reputable dealer by doing your homework. Know what you want, and get satisfactory answers to questions about the dealer's selection, price, return policy and gemstone enhancement disclosure policy.

Tips & Warnings

Many gemstones are heat treated or otherwise enhanced to improve color. These items require written disclosure from the dealer by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). If a dealer won't admit to enhancements, or acknowledges them verbally but not on paper, you should question her integrity.

Don't pick the first pretty garnet you see. Gemstones are unique, and you might see something you like better tomorrow and regret or have to return your purchase.

How to Pick a Flattering Skirt

How to Pick a Flattering Skirt

Finding the right skirt sounds simple in theory, but there is actually an art to finding a flattering skirt. Different body types call for different styles and it's important to know your body shape so that you can choose a skirt that is best suited to it. Keep these tips in mind the next time you're in the market for that perfect new skirt.

Full Tummy and Hips


Conceal large legs or a full stomach and hips with a flounce skirt that has an inner stomach panel. The full body of the skirt will help conceal the legs, and the inner panel will help hold in the stomach.


Choose an A-line skirt as another way to hide bulges in the stomach and hip areas. The tapered waistline will serve to give the illusion of a smaller waist while the open and forgiving skirt conceals imperfections.


Find a skirt with details down the length of the front, such as long seams down the sides or elongated side pockets, if you are trying to hide bulky hips.


Stick with knee-length or shorter skirts. Long skirts draw attention to the lower body and therefore are not flattering for shorter or heavier body types.

Small Waist


Show off a trim waist with a skirt that has a fitted waistline. Overly big or bulky styles won't do anything for you.


Look for a skirt with a narrow waistband or low-rise waist if you have a short waist. Avoid anything high-waisted since this will make your short waist disappear.


Opt for skirts with a wide waistband or built-in belt if your problem is a long waist. Also choose something with a high waist and longer length. These styles will help give you a more proportional look.


Wear a pencil skirt for a flattering look whether you are very slim or more plus-sized. This sleek, streamlined look is flattering for many different body types.

Tips & Warnings

If you have a smaller waist then you can get away with ruching or gathering at the waist. You will still need to show some caution, though: too much bunching isn't flattering for anyone, no matter how small the waist.

Compensate for short legs by keeping details close to the waist and thereby drawing attention upward. Stick with short and slim rather than long and flouncy, which will only envelope the length of your legs.

Don't attempt the micro-mini unless you have great legs. If you really want to sport this look but don't have the legs of a supermodel, conceal imperfections with a trendy pair of tights or leggings.

How to Pick a Fashion Style for Older Women

How to Pick a Fashion Style for Older Women

Clothing styles have a vast assortment of fashion trends from which to choose. Older women can look sharp in clothing designed to complement their bodies and fit comfortably. Skintight sweaters and low-cut jeans are out. Stylish dresses, sassy slacks and flattering skirts are in.


Shop for tailored skirt lines with back and side slits to show off your legs. Hemlines that fall just below the knee are flattering when made with A-lined patterns and slightly relaxed waistlines.


Pair calf-length skirts with classic button-front blouses in comfortable no-press cotton blend fabrics for an easy care style that is ready to wear right from the dryer. Opt for relaxed cut blazers that offer older women more shoulder room for bending and twisting.


Find full-figured slacks with hidden expandable waistbands for comfort. Made with button-in pleats, expandable-waist pants offer style and versatility for the over-50 woman who demands more from her clothing.


Don hip-length baby-doll sweaters to flatter a wider waistline. Designed to flair slightly from the shoulders, these sweaters complement pants and skirts and offer stylish warmth for those winter months.


Find one-piece swimwear in various torso lengths with built-in tummy control panels and boy-cut legs for extra coverage. Slip on a mid-thigh cover-up over your swimsuit, made from an open-weave fabric and spend a day at the beach.


Wear the prints you like. Forget about the old adage of choosing tiny prints as you get older. Choose from bold colorful patterns that make you feel good. Today's clothing makers offer a wide range of sizes and styles in the latest fashion fabrics.

Tips & Warnings

Don't dress to please others. Find what makes you feel good and wear it.

How to Pick a Dress for Your Easter Bonnet

How to Pick a Dress for Your Easter Bonnet

Easter is the time of year that Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many people go to church on Easter Sunday and Easter bonnets have always been a noted fashion item. If you have bought the perfect Easter bonnet, now you need to pick a dress for the occasion. Follow theses suggested steps when you need to pick a dress to wear with your Easter bonnet.


Go shopping at the mall. Go to all of the department stores in search of a perfect Easter dress for your Easter bonnet. Look around until you find something that is suitable for Easter and also something that matches your Easter bonnet. Take the bonnet with you when you go to shop. You may want to tell the store associate that you brought it with you, so that no one follows you in the store wondering what you have in the bag.


Check the secondhand stores. Most of the time, people will buy a semi fancy dress to wear for one occasion and then have nothing to do with them after the event is over. These dresses end up on the shelf of a second hand store looking brand new. If you can pick your dress there, you might save yourself some money also.


Visit the bridal store. There are many dresses available for you to choose from when you are attempting to compliment your Easter bonnet. Bridesmaid dresses these days come in various degrees of how formal that they are, you won't want to get to dressy or you will look out of place at your place of worship.


Make your own Easter dress. If you are an experienced seamstress or if you know someone that does know how to sew, you can pick a pattern and material for your Easter dress. Go to your local fabric store to match colors with your Easter bonnet. They have a lot of patterns to choose from and mostly, you can just browse one of the books for a pattern. Pictures of the completed dress are also shown in these books so that you can see what it will look like when you are wearing it on Easter Sunday.


Finish off your beautiful Easter dress and bonnet with patent leather shoes. They have been known to be a classic look for Easter Sunday, although you may wear another type, if you like. Pick something that compliments your complete outfit.

How to Pick a Diamond Birthstone

How to Pick a Diamond Birthstone

While much of the mystique of diamonds has been generated by media spin, their uniqueness cannot be denied. Diamonds are the hardest substance on earth, making them the perfect symbol of a long-lasting marriage, as well as a long-wearing piece of jewelry. If you were born in April, the diamond is your birthstone. Contrary to the sometimes-ostentatious display of diamonds, some say that wearing them preserves a person's innocence.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Natural and synthetic light

Documentation of authenticity

Select a Diamond by Carat Weight


Pick the size of diamond birthstone that suits your purpose. You can select a single large diamond for a simple setting or several smaller diamonds surrounding a larger stone for a display that is more eye-catching.


Pick the size of diamond that suits your budget.


While much of the value of a diamond results from its cut, carat weight can give you a broad idea of price.

Select a Diamond by Color and Cut


Inspect a diamond birthstone for color. Pick a stone that has even, clear white color. Pass on those that have dark streaks or spots that will impair reflective qualities.


Select a diamond that "speaks," not one that is "silent." A diamond's reflection and refraction of light should make it appear lively rather than dull and static.


View diamonds under varied light conditions for brilliance. A well-cut diamond should sparkle even under low light.


Assess the cut of a diamond by its brilliance. One that is cut too thin or too deep will be transparent and will not sparkle with reflected light.

Tips & Warnings

Diamonds are carbon that has been crystallized by forces within the earth's core and brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions.

Diamonds come in an array of colors, but the popular clear, white diamonds have the highest refracting qualities.

A "carat" equals one-fifth of a gram, and the smaller "point" equals one one-hundredth of a carat. These tiny diamonds might become part of a larger jewelry setting.

Cut diamonds may be indistinguishable from other stones, such as cubic zirconia. Rely on documentation, not the naked eye, to verify authenticity.

Not all diamonds are gem quality. Buy from a dealer with a solid reputation to avoid getting stuck with diamonds used for drills and needles.

The demand for expensive diamonds has formed black markets in some politically unstable countries, with dire consequences for ordinary citizens. Avoid these "conflict diamonds" by learning the history of the stones you view.

How to Pick a Cocktail Dress

How to Pick a Cocktail Dress

If you have a special occasion coming up soon, pick a cocktail dress that will make people say, "Wow" when you walk into the room. With such a wide array of options out there to explore, it may be hard to select just one that you like the best. Read on to learn how to pick a cocktail dress.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Fashion magazines

Cocktail dress


High heels


Evening bag



Browse online to see the selection of cocktail dresses that are available this season.


Check out the websites of major department store and also off-price sites that sell designer items.


Look through fashion magazines and store catalogues for more ideas.


Consider how formal a dress you desire. You may want a simple basic that you can wear for many occasions, or you may prefer a dress that makes more of a statement.


Try a variety of shapes, styles and colors to see if your instincts are right and whether what you like suits your body type.


Compare form fitting styles, swingier cuts and different lengths.


Look for unusual colors, cuts and special details that make a dress stand out.


Ask the salesperson for recommendations.


Wear a slip and high heels to get the full effect of the outfit. Also add jewelry and an evening bag to complete the look.


See how the dress looks in a three-way mirror.


Bring a friend with you to get a second opinion before you buy.

Tips & Warnings

Consider the season and setting in which you will wear the dress.

Find a coordinating wrap or vintage cardigan to make a sleeveless or strapless dress work in winter.

Practice different hairstyles and makeup to create a formal image to go with the dress.

Steer away from cocktail dresses featured at popular chain stores, as you may find other guests wearing the same thing.

How to Pick a Brazilian Bikini Style

How to Pick a Brazilian Bikini Style

Women's bikinis are getting skimpier and skimpier. Brazilian bikinis are among the skimpiest. They offer significantly less coverage than other style bathing suits. The tops and bottoms are much skimpier. Instead of having straight lines, the breast cups and bottoms are cut on a slant, showing more of

. The Brazilian bikini style is very flattering on certain body types.


Know that Brazilian bikinis vary depending on whether you're buying an authentic bikini from Brazil or a similar version in the U.S. U.S. Brazilian bikinis sit very low on your hips. Traditional Brazilian bikini bottoms are cut much higher on the hips and cover significantly less skin in the back.


Consider the Brazilian cut to be between the thong and standard bikini bottom. Part of your backside will show.


Know that you need to be in good shape to wear a Brazilian bikini. It's so skimpy that you shouldn't wear it if you're overweight--it's not flattering.


Choose the Brazilian bikini you like the best. They come in all kinds of colors and styles. Some have ties and other embellishments, too.


Pick the bathing suit you feel most comfortable wearing. That's the most important thing to keep in mind. You don't want to buy a bikini that you're embarrassed to wear.

Tips & Warnings

Bring a friend with you when you're trying on Brazilian bikinis. It helps to have an honest second opinion. You don't want to rely solely on the sales person.