How to Colon Cleanse - 5 Expert Tips

How to Colon Cleanse - 5 Expert Tips

If you're considering colon cleansing for the first time, the choices can seem overwhelming. Herbal cleanses, oxygen cleanses, fiber programs, specialized diets, fasting and more are all on the colon cleansing market. No matter what kind of cleanse you end up doing, you can improve your results with the advice in these 5 tips.

Things You'll Need:

No Special Equipment Required


Before you cleanse, first find out how much you really need a colon cleanse. There are several factors including diet, age and overall health that determine how much you need and will benefit from a cleanse. E-mail me for a free health questionnaire that will tell you where you stand.


Once you know how much you need a cleanse, you can then choose the appropriate level. All types of colon cleansing can be done slowly and gently or more quickly and intensely. It's important to know which level is best for you now in order to avoid overburdening your body with toxins as the body cleanses itself.


Prepare well for any type of colon cleanse by changing your diet. No matter which kind of colon cleansing you choose, you can get better results by taking 3-5 days to prepare. During this time, it's best to cut out all processed foods and eat at least 50% of your diet in fresh fruits and vegetables. It's also helpful to cut out most if not all dairy products, meats and breads as they are mucous forming.


During your cleanse be patient and stay with it. Don't expect to undo years of poor eating habits, stress or lack of exercise with a one time cleanse. You may need to cleanse several times before you achieve all your health goals.


Be prepared for changes. After your colon cleanse, don't expect to want to eat the same things as you did before. Pay attention to how your body feels after you eat and allow your diet to change to foods that make you feel better.

Tips & Warnings

If you have any doubts about colon cleansing, remember these words of Dr. Norman Walker, the inventor of vegetable juicing: "To have a clean colon is the best health insurance we can have." Dr. Walker seemed to know what he was talking about - he had a healthy and productive life of over 100 years.