How to Know Which Natural Remedies are Right for You
So, you have an ailment or chronic illness. Chances are, you want to find as much information as possible that will help you understand what you have and find the best treatment possible. I know--I'm the same way.
I personally like to find any alternative treatment options that I can--especially those that involve herbs. Over the years, I've developed a process that helps me find the information I need quickly.
Here's my advice on how to find reliable information on herbal remedies. But how do you know if they really work? Some herbs are gentle enough so that you can try them yourself without worrying about there being harmful side effects. For the others, you may want to look online and see what you can find.
Although not every herb has been tested in the scientific community, all of them have centuries of anecdotal evidence as to their effectiveness. So when you look for herbal information this is a good thing to keep in mind.
Things You'll Need:
Internet connection
Access to a library or book store
Reliable medical journals and magazines
One place that I really love to find information is on the internet. But, there are some sites that have good information, and others that don't. Check the resources section at the end of this article for my favorite websites.
If you want to learn about herbs, there are several writers that you need to keep on your shelf. My favorite authors include Susun Weed,
Gladstar, James Duke, Michael Castelman and James Green.
Another option is that you could always take a course on herbal medicine to increase your knowledge. You can get a certificate or degree (check out Clayton College and the Australasian College of Health Sciences) or take courses from herbalists such as Rosemary Gladstar and Susun Weed.
There are several magazines that have good herbal information such as Herbs for Health and Herb Quarterly. You can also check out medical journals. Your library may have access to different studies.
One of my favorite scientific based resources is the German Commission E. This is THE definitive manual that German doctors and pharmacists use to determine which herbs are effective for which complaints. It has been translated into English and a lot of herbalists and naturopaths use it to help them find effective remedies. You can purchase your own copy and keep it on your bookshelf.
Tips & Warnings
Keep track of everything you are learning on your computer or in a notebook.
Pay attention to the positive and negative aspects of each herb.
Make sure you understand all the ins and outs of the herb before you make the decision to take it.
Some herbs, such as poke root and digitalis, are extremely potent and can cause severe illness or even death. To be safe, treat all herbs with care and heed any warnings you find in the literature.
Not all warnings are as dramatic as those attached to poke root and digitalis. However, you should take them ALL seriously.
So, you have an ailment or chronic illness. Chances are, you want to find as much information as possible that will help you understand what you have and find the best treatment possible. I know--I'm the same way.
I personally like to find any alternative treatment options that I can--especially those that involve herbs. Over the years, I've developed a process that helps me find the information I need quickly.
Here's my advice on how to find reliable information on herbal remedies. But how do you know if they really work? Some herbs are gentle enough so that you can try them yourself without worrying about there being harmful side effects. For the others, you may want to look online and see what you can find.
Although not every herb has been tested in the scientific community, all of them have centuries of anecdotal evidence as to their effectiveness. So when you look for herbal information this is a good thing to keep in mind.
Things You'll Need:
Internet connection
Access to a library or book store
Reliable medical journals and magazines
One place that I really love to find information is on the internet. But, there are some sites that have good information, and others that don't. Check the resources section at the end of this article for my favorite websites.
If you want to learn about herbs, there are several writers that you need to keep on your shelf. My favorite authors include Susun Weed,
Gladstar, James Duke, Michael Castelman and James Green.
Another option is that you could always take a course on herbal medicine to increase your knowledge. You can get a certificate or degree (check out Clayton College and the Australasian College of Health Sciences) or take courses from herbalists such as Rosemary Gladstar and Susun Weed.
There are several magazines that have good herbal information such as Herbs for Health and Herb Quarterly. You can also check out medical journals. Your library may have access to different studies.
One of my favorite scientific based resources is the German Commission E. This is THE definitive manual that German doctors and pharmacists use to determine which herbs are effective for which complaints. It has been translated into English and a lot of herbalists and naturopaths use it to help them find effective remedies. You can purchase your own copy and keep it on your bookshelf.
Tips & Warnings
Keep track of everything you are learning on your computer or in a notebook.
Pay attention to the positive and negative aspects of each herb.
Make sure you understand all the ins and outs of the herb before you make the decision to take it.
Some herbs, such as poke root and digitalis, are extremely potent and can cause severe illness or even death. To be safe, treat all herbs with care and heed any warnings you find in the literature.
Not all warnings are as dramatic as those attached to poke root and digitalis. However, you should take them ALL seriously.